Terms and Conditions
By placing an order with us you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. Please contact us at southsideschoolsports@gmail.com if you are unhappy with any aspect of these before placing an order.
These Terms and Conditions, and your use of ou r website, are governed by Irish law and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish court. This does not affect your non-excludable European statutory rights.
This website and our Terms and Conditions have been designed for use within the Republic of Ireland and under Irish law. These Terms and Conditions cannot be varied except for changes made by us on this site, which we may carry out occasionally. In particular, nothing said by any representative of Southside School Sports will operate as a variation of these Terms and Conditions or will constitute a legal representation.
A contract between you (the customer) and Southside School Sports for After School Care will only exist once an order has been accepted and processed and payment made. This does not affect your statutory rights. Your order is an offer, not a contract between you and Southside School Sports, until you receive a ‘confirmation of order’ email dispatched once card authorisation has been confirmed and availability has been checked.
Southside School Sports must receive full payment for your order before it can be accepted. Once payment has been accepted through our representative – Easy Payment Plus and availability checked, we will send you an email confirming your order. Please keep a copy of this confirmation for your records. In exceptional circumstances, if we are not able to fulfill an order once it has been accepted, we will refund you through our online system within 7 days and we will notify you by email. Under no circumstances will we be liable to you for any additional amounts.
The definition of the word “term” will equal a minimum of six consecutive weeks and will not necessarily correspond to a school term.
Filling in the online Booking form
The online booking form is an essential part of booking children for Southside School Sport After School Club.
Unless a booking form is completed a child may not attend our After School Club based in Loreto Primary School, Dalkey, Co. Dublin OR Willowpark School, Rock Road, Co. Dublin.
The Medical Question on the form is a vital part of the form for the Company to know of any special aspects of a child’s health.
It is the responsibility of the Parents or Guardians to inform the Company, either on the form marked Medical Issues or by calling the Southside School Sport Office, if they consider their child has medical issues that need to be underlined as critical information to the Room Manager and staff especially if they consider the medical issue may cause their child to be at risk from partaking in any activity in the After School Club.
IN THIS INSTANCE the Company reserves the right to ask the parents to give the Company a letter from their doctor, stating the physical fitness of their child.
Failure to produce a letter from a medical doctor, after being asked to do so, will result in the Company asking the parents to remove the child from Southside School Sport After School Club based in Loreto Primary School Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin. A full refund will be given.
Once the Company has asked for the letter from a medical doctor the child may not attend the Club until the letter arrives. Once the Company has the letter a refund will be given for the weeks missed by the child.
After School Club timed slots
Your contract for our After School Club based in Loreto Primary School, Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin hereby called AFSC – is made between yourself and Southside School Sports Limited.
Places in our AFSC can be bought online through our Southside School Sports website.
We use Easy Payments Plus as method of online payment. This is a separate entity to our website. Southside School Sports cannot and are unable, to save or store any card details used to pay for our classes.
Easy Payment Plus has their own Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy which you can read on their website. For easy access we have them linked accordingly.
An admin fee is incurred by any online payment. Electronic payment to the Southside School Sports bank account is possible by prior arrangement with the company office. Please email – southsideschoolsports@gmail.com.
If you don’t like buying online or don’t have a debit/credit card please call us on +353 (01) 235 1588 or send an email and we will try to organise your order in a different way.
Cancellation of your order
You may normally cancel your order (once accepted by us) for any reason up to the point of start of term. If you do cancel the contract within this time, any payments made by you will be refunded in full within 7 days.
The responsibility for running the ASC is solely that of Southside School Sports.
The Principal and Staff of Loreto Primary School Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin are not involved in the Day to Day running of the ASC.
Parents must only call the Southside School Sports Office 01 2351588 to discuss any issues relating solely to AFSC.
Time Slots for the ASC
Time Slots for the ASC are sold by single hours and totalled by the number of weeks in the term. Each hour will be €8.00. Hours not used cannot be credited or accumulated.
Time slots are charged on a five day basis Monday to Friday.
ASC will only be available to Parents of children who attend Loreto Primary School, Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin
ASC will operate Monday to Friday and open only when Loreto Primary School Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin is open. Therefore on Public and School Holidays ASC will be closed.
If your child is sick or unable to attend for ten days – Monday to Friday (That is ten Monday to Friday days of two school weeks) – no refund will be available to you.
If your child is sick from day 10 onwards a refund will be given from day 11 ( that is day 11 – Monday of week three) and until the child returns to the ASC.
Notice to Leave the ASC
ASC places are sold by the Term. If your child is clearly not settling in the ASC please call the Southside Sports Office and a Refund will be given on receipt of one weeks’ notice by email.
Healthy Eating
Southside School Sports run a Healthy Eating Policy in the ASC.
By buying a place in the ASC, Parents are agreeing to abide by our Heathy Eating Policy.
No Chocolate, Sweets or Nuts are allowed in children’s’ lunch boxes.
Southside School Sports do not provide any food for children staying in our ASC.
Please see below a link to The Lunch Bag Company who already operate a meal service, but only in Loreto Dalkey Primary School.
The Lunch Bag Company. www.thelunchbag.ie
Parents may arrange food with this company which in turn will be delivered to the ASC and the staff will supervise the children eating it.
Parents may send their own food including warm soup for children in an age appropriate container.
There is no provision to warm food in the ASC.
Staff in the ASC will supervise that food is eaten at an appropriate time.
The AFSC will supervise your child’s homework and make sure that it is completed.
However staff cannot take the place of parents. We recommend that parents recheck their child’s homework with them each night to spot any recurring problems their child may have.
ASC staff cannot be held responsible for children failing to grasp a concept. Parents should always approach the child’s class teacher for any worries that are related to school work.
PLEASE REMEMBER – If your child has done a full day of school and then two activities like sports and Lego they may need a break before they do their homework. This can be discussed with room staff.
Disruptive Behaviour
The ASC is open for all children who attend Loreto Primary School, Dalkey OR Willowpark School, Rock Road. Co. Dublin depending on places being available.
Every parent will pay the same amount for their child’s time in the ASC.
Room staff are fully qualified. Garda Vetted and have appropriate certificates required by TUSLA
Children can be boisterous after a morning in school and this is understandable.
Behaviour that continually disrupts the running of the ASC is unacceptable.
The ASC has a zero bullying Policy.
Behaviour from a child that disturbs the running of the ASC or creates problems with other children’s enjoyment of the ASC.
- In the first instance parents will be made aware, by the Room Manager, that their child is being disruptive.
- Should the behaviour continue the Southside School Sport Office will call the child’s parents
- Should the behaviour of the child still not improve the parents will be asked to remove their child from the AFSC for one week. No refund will be offered.
- After one week the child may return to the ASC.
- Should disruptive behaviour continue the parents’ will be asked to remove their child from the ASC for the remainder of the term. A refund will be given for the remaining weeks only.
Collection of Children
On occasions a parent may not be able to collect their child.
On the first day that your child attends the ASC we ask parents to give the names of two other people who may collect their child.
Please provide;-
- Names of two people
- Mobile numbers for each person
- Photo ID for each person
This information will be kept in the Southside School Sport Office.
When the day arrives that you cannot collect your child, you are requested to:
- Contact by email the Southside School Sport office
Email – southsideschoolsports@gmail.com
The Office is only open until 1pm - Tell the office which of your designated people will be collecting your child – make sure you get a reply to your email
- If you fail to do this your child cannot be released
A child’s place in the ASC is governed by the number of hours a parent buys.
By buying a place for your child in the ASC you are agreeing to collect your child at the end of the time.
Lateness is unacceptable.
It causes a child to become anxious and disrupts the child/ adult ratio of the ASC.
You have also been told at time of booking that leaving your child later than the time you have bought will result in Southside School Sports adding an extra charge of €10.00 to your account.
If you are late – Parents will be asked to sign the Late Book.
By signing, you are agreeing to one hour of extra care being added to your account. To continue sending your child to the ASC you must log into your account and pay the extra hour charge within seven days.
If you are late three times within a four week period you will be asked to either buy more time for the rest of the term or to remove your child from the ASC
Southside School Sports reserves the right to ask any parent to remove their child from the ASC if they are continually late collecting their child after the agreed purchased time.
Giving Medication
If your child is too sick to attend school, they cannot attend the ASC.
The ASC staff cannot give medication to any child.
If your child has a temperature; parents will be contacted and are expected to have their child collected.
If your child needs an inhaler it must be mentioned on the booking form, contained in a bag and clearly marked with your child’s name.
If your child needs an epi pen it must be mentioned on the booking form, contained in a bag and clearly marked with your child’s name and given to the room staff.
All prices quoted on this website are accurate at the time of publication and are quoted in Euro. There is no Irish sales tax (VAT) applicable with Southside SchoolSports.
Disclaimer & Limitations of Liability
While we take all steps possible to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, it does not give any representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. We will not be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results arising from the use of such information. While we take all reasonable steps to ensure a fast and reliable service, it does not guarantee that your use of this website will be interruption- or error-free and will not be responsible for any disruption, loss or corruption of any material in transit, or loss or corruption of material or data when downloaded onto any computer system. Further, we will not be responsible nor liable for your use of any other websites which you may access via links within this website. We do not control these websites and are not responsible for their content. Any such links are provided merely as a service to users of this website and their inclusion in this website does not constitute an endorsement by, or affiliation with, Southside School Sports. The entire liability of Southside School Sports in connection with any contract for any products to which these conditions apply, shall not exceed the price of the products ordered, except as expressly provided in these conditions. We will not be liable to you or deemed to be in breach of the contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of its obligations in relation to the courses ordered by you if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control. We may assign or transfer any of its rights or sub contract any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any third party. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or sub-contract any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions except with the specific permission in writing of Southside School Sports. No person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall have any right to enforce any term under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.